Most Employers Have Concerns About "On-Demand" Workforce | Markle | Advancing America's Future
Most Employers Have Concerns About "On-Demand" Workforce | Markle | Advancing America's Future

Most Employers Have Concerns About “On-Demand” Workforce

Publication Date: July 17, 2016 | Back to Latest News

A majority of employers (56 percent) say having a full-time employee makes it easier to accommodate the ebbs and flows in work volume, and report that contract workers are less loyal or invested, according to the Workforce of the Future Survey, sponsored and developed by the Aspen Institute’s Future of Work Initiative, the Markle Foundation, Burson-Marsteller and Time magazine.

Conversely, employers cite using independent contractors both for the flexibility of hiring workers with specific skills as the need arises (90 percent), as well as for cost-saving purposes such as taxes and benefits (86 percent).

Still, when presented with the tradeoff, most employers (58 percent) say full-time hires are better for their company because they provide more value over the long-term despite having to pay more up-front on taxes and benefits.

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