Research and Reports Archives | Markle
Research and Reports Archives | Markle

Category: Research and Reports

Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota and Urban League Twin Cities: A Case Study in Changing Local Workforce Ecosystems.

This case study documents the approach taken by Goodwill-Easter Seals of Minnesota (GESMN) and Urban League Twin Cities (ULTC) undertook, working with the Markle Foundation’s Rework America Alliance, to influence systems change in the Twin Cities workforce ecosystem.

Technology Competition: A Battle for Brains

This paper examines a lesser studied but equally important aspect of the intersection between technology and work: Does the United States have the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) talent to win the global competition to build, scale, and commercialize emerging technologies?

What ‘Robot Hubs’ Mean for the Future of US Manufacturing

New research gives us a first look at robot adoption and concentration in US manufacturing

Workforce Development is a Crucial Part of Digital Equity

With details of state broadbands funds from NTIA expected to be announced soon, Brookings’ Nicole Turner Lee and Jack Malamud share recommendations on building a more inclusive broadband workforce.

Breaking Barriers: States Prioritizing Skills and Experience Over College Degrees

With Ohio being one of the latests states to announce an executive order to prioritize skills-based hiring, we looked at what changes are being made and why.

The Technology/Jobs Puzzle: A European Perspective

Pierre-Alexandre Balland, Lucía Bosoer and Andrea Renda through the European University Institute, recently published a new report analyzing European approaches to good jobs as part of the work of the Markle Technology Policy and Research Consortium.