The Hill Archives | Markle
The Hill Archives | Markle

Publication Source: The Hill

We Need a Moonshot for American Workers

We all know the reality: American workers are at a critical technical and psychological crossroads. By 2030, the effects of automation and the changing landscape…

Lawmakers Grapple with the Future of America’s Workforce

The future of the American workforce will depend on how well government, business and educators work together to address the technological and economic changes ahead,…

Trump’s Infrastructure Plans Should Pair Building With Job Training

The Hill Zoë Baird President Trump has started to lay out his principles for a $1 trillion makeover of America’s roads, bridges, waterways, electrical grid,…

Obama chief of staff joins foundation with focus on jobs

Denis McDonough, the last White House chief of staff in the Obama administration, has joined the Markle Foundation. The organization is putting a focus on…

Dangerous Digital Divide Looming for Small Businesses

By Zoë Baird Small businesses have been critical in powering America through the greatest transformation of our economy since the Industrial Revolution. Nearly two-thirds of…