Letter from the Personal Health Technology Council to the AHIC | Markle | Advancing America's Future
Letter from the Personal Health Technology Council to the AHIC | Markle | Advancing America's Future

Letter from the Personal Health Technology Council to the AHIC

Publication Date: March 6, 2006 | Back to Latest News

To Secretary Leavitt and the Members of the AHIC:

We, the members of the Personal Health Technology Council, commend your leadership in promoting Guiding Principles that emphasize consumer empowerment and the protection of personal health information. We believe that these principles should inform the AHIC discussion and the process of developing policies for the emerging person-centered, networked health information environment. We recognize that a clear and pragmatic approach that reflects fresh thinking and a deliberate, participatory process will be necessary.

The HIT agenda will be slowed and put at risk unless the AHIC establishes a public process to develop and disseminate policies to guide the work of Federal agencies and contractors, and provide voluntary guidance to health information exchange efforts in the private sector.

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